Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Our Story: Take Two (Lauren's 9/2007 Radio Interview)

My wife Lauren is far more articulate than I am. End of story. This is as good a time as ever to let her have her say.

Please have a listen to this 9/19/2007 interview she gave to Vermont Public Radio's Mitch Wertleib (MP3 version), starting with the question, "How did you feel when you first learned that your son had leukemia?"

On a related note, if you're in the U.S., please urge your elected representatives to support the Conquer Childhood Cancer Act of 2008. You can write them a letter about it here. The act, which provides specific funding for childhood cancer research, is currently under consideration by both the House and the Senate.

1 comment:

Charlcie Steuble said...

Thanks for your support of CureSearch. What you are doing is terrific!