Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Like I Said, It's Sugar Time in Vermont

...And when we're minding the sap run at our house, some of us (Fergus) dress in snow pants, gloves, and winter coats. Some of us (me, myself, I) dress in Carharts and a long-sleeve T-shirt from the carcinogenic T-shirt factory (that's an inside joke).

Some of us, however, celebrate spring (and 45 degree temperatures) in style: apparently maple sugar time is also tutu time on the Center Road, if you're Norah.

lugging the sap bucket

Over the snowfields, in the woods, down the road, fog was rising from the snow, and as Norah scampered down the muddy road to get to a few more sap buckets, I told her to be careful, because a little girl in a tutu blends in with the fog, and the cars and trucks might not see her right away. A few minutes later she asked for help getting down from a snow bank. "I'm like the fog," she said, by way of explanation. Indeed.

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